Real-time Exchange Rate SGD To MYR

Note: We're currently using an estimated exchange rate. The actual rate may vary.

Current exchange rate: 1 SGD = {{ exchangeRate }} MYR LIVE

{{ sgdAmount }} SGD = {{ myrAmount }} MYR

Historical SGD to MYR Exchange Rates (Last 14 Days)

Loading historical rates...
{{ historicalRatesError }}
Date SGD to MYR Rate Date SGD to MYR Rate
{{ formatDate(sortedRates[i - 1].date) }} {{ sortedRates[i - 1].rate.toFixed(4) }} {{ formatDate(sortedRates[i + 6].date) }} {{ sortedRates[i + 6].rate.toFixed(4) }}

SGD to MYR Rate Trend (Last 14 Days)

Frequently Asked Questions

{{ item.answer }}

About SGD to MYR Converter

Our SGD to MYR Converter provides real-time exchange rates for converting Singapore Dollars (SGD) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR). We strive to offer the most up-to-date and accurate conversion rates to help you make informed decisions about your currency exchanges.

Features of our service include:

  • Free Live exchange rates updated every minute
  • Historical rates for the past 14 days
  • Historical Trend Charts for SGD to MYR rates
  • User-friendly interface for quick conversions
  • Reliable fallback rates from CIMB, DBS or Maybank in case of API disruptions

Whether you're planning a trip to Malaysia, sending money to family, or conducting business transactions, our converter is here to assist you with accurate and timely information.

Currency Exchange at Local Singapore Banks

Several local banks in Singapore offer currency exchange services for SGD to MYR. Here's a brief overview of some major banks and their services:

{{ }}

{{ bank.description }}

  • {{ point }}

Remember to compare rates and fees across different banks and money changers to get the best deal. Rates may vary depending on the amount you're exchanging and market conditions.